Today is the fifteenth of August which means that Don and I have been married for 34 years and 11 days! The countdown for the next 34 years has begun. Just think, in only a couple years I'll be sleeping with an OLD MAN! There was a time when the mere thought would have inspired a series of shudders followed by a snort and a "not on my watch". But here we are 34 years later and I've resigned myself to the senior citizen (soon) bed partner and I can only hope that Don will extend me the same consideration when my day comes. Time marches on and on and on and......
For our anniversary we loaded the kayaks and went up to Cariboo River which is just this side of Pictou. Quiet and pretty area but, unfortunately, we left all four cameras in the car so we have no photos of the day! And the pictures we missed! Coming around one bend in the river, protected from the light breeze, the water was like a mirror. I looked over at Don in his kayak and if I'd taken a picture, I could turn it upside down and you would never be able to tell which way was right side up because there wasn't a ripple to give away the truth. We also took Diesel and Max and they have little lifejackets which keeps them safe. The best position for them we found, was sitting right on the top and just ahead of the cockpit. They just kind of laid down there and watched the river banks go by, the eagles overhead and the kingfishers diving. It was so much fun and so incredibly peaceful too. I just wish we had photos and all I can say is next time. For sure.
I think that for all the hours that we've spent together, and there have been many having had our own business that we ran out of our home, we've done pretty good. We still love each other and as importantly, we like each others company more than anyone elses. We know when to give each other space, and we know when to give in to each other. And we know when stamping a foot is likely to get us what we want. All in all, it's been a pretty good 34 years and having said that, let the counting continue.......!