And the work goes on, and on, and on....
We are getting closer to being able to take a breath on our renovations. We have had more nights than I like to think of where I put down my paint brush at about 10:00 so we haven't really been able to keep up our blog like I would have liked, but I am going catch up a bit now. Lots of pictures and lots of changes going on.
We decided to put a porch over the entrance that we seem to be using more than the kitchen entrance. Standing in the rain while you are trying to find the keys just lost it's charm after the first time. So the man building it for is is "Odd Job Bob". He's very nice and as well as appreciating his skills, we have come to enjoy his and Sue's (his wife) company. Interestingly, Bob is a true gypsy, born and bred. He came from England and was born into the Traveller's life, so he has lots of interesting stories to tell and story-teller he certainly is.
And Don has been going gang-BUSTERS on the old stove wall. Bashed out the old brick with a sledge hammer, wrecked his arm again in the process and then has been putting the wall back together in preparation for putting on the new brick and heat shield. He's learning things he never thought he would have to!
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