We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form.
William Ralph Inge (1860-1954)

Friday, December 28, 2007

No Pictures today, they would be too awful...

Little Lucy lays on the couch beside me. She is tucked under a little blanket to maintain her body temperature. She is still taking water, but hasn't eaten much in the past three days. A slice of cheese yesterday I think, but not much more. She is still bright eyed, but I think that she has had a couple mini strokes in that time and only checks periodically to see where we are before laying her little head back down. Today her breathing is easier which is good, because watching her gasp and pant for air is hard.

Something Kim and I talked about a couple weeks ago, compelled me to take a peek at the Peta websites. What I discovered there, of conditions that animals suffer and die from horrified me and broke my heart. To think that people who believe that they are a superior species, also feel that they have no moral responsibility to be considerate to the animals that are in their charge. Instead, they are brutalised in ways that I never imagined. It is always nice to be able to pat yourself on the back and say that "at least Canadians are different, we wouldn't treat animals the way the Chinese do". Unfortunately, Canada's claim to fame is the seal hunt and fois gras production. Did you know that at least eight other countries have banned fois gras production because it is so cruel?

So now, as I watch Lucy get ready to leave, I am not sitting here in tears day after day. I am comforted and yes, even cheered by the knowledge that after almost 18 years with us, during which time we loved her and admired her and yes, spoiled her, her end will happen in comfort and peacefulness. I'm sure that when the final sigh comes and she is gone, I will cry, but the tears will also be for all the rest that weren't as lucky as her.

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