Nova Scotia is one big ice skating rink! That's what happens when you get a night of heavy rain in February and then the next day the temperature goes back down to normal (for this time of year that is). Some yards that I've driven by look like the house is sitting in the middle of a big, glistening, white porcelain plate. Seeing as how this is our first winter here, we're figuring out what needs to be corrected for next winter, but isn't that always the way it goes. In computer lingo, the learning curve!
I've been busy today, scraping old wallpaper border off the living room walls. And I baked bread today, and painted a little shelf that I made for my art room, and washed dishes. Just a day of puttering around the house. After I finish here, I may go and scrape a bit more of the border off. Or maybe not, I'm feeling a wee bit like I want to just quit for the afternoon. Problem is that I have a hard time sitting still and doing nothing.
Maybe I will plan my garden. This is the time of year that you normally do that isn't it? I don't think it will be very big to start, and I can enlarge it if I have a mind to, later in the year. I know that asparagus grows here because I found where a couple spears growing wild up on the hill. So I will definitely have a patch of it. Can you imagine how nice homegrown asparagus would taste. Tender and slightly steamed. Yes, a definite must for my garden. Garden centres abound in BC in the lower mainland, but here they are few and far between. I may be forced to do lots of my garden shopping at Canadian Tire of all places. But I think I will try and hold off on buying a lot of shrubs from them til the end of July because they put all of that on sale at that point. Then I will go crazy and buy, buy, buy. I love shopping for plants! One of my favourite things.
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