I am too lazy to look back at all my posts here, but I am almost positive that I had mentioned in one, that I was going to quit giving in to the habit of feeling blue or something to that effect but you know how it goes with New Years resolutions and old habits. One is so hard to keep and the other so hard to "not keep" doing and wouldn't you know it, I've once again found myself in that dreadful rut. The good thing is that I've finally become aware of it and that is the first step to moving away from it (once again!). Mind you, we've had so much rain that maybe the grey skies have also had something to do with the blahhs. Oh well, someday the sun will return, both within and "without" if you know what I mean.
On a lighter note, we recently got a couple of kayaks as I may have mentioned, and last weekend, we went to a safety workshop. We learned how to get into our kayaks, both while just at the shore and in the event that we ever get tipped out. There were about ten people in the class, and with the instructor Bob in the water, we each had to tip ourselves out of the kayak and then he showed us how to get the water out, get back in, and then remove the rest of the water. It was hard to over-ride the natural instinct to "not tip the boat", but once I was in the water, it wasn't scary at all. I can't say that I was the most graceful at getting back in (but on the other hand, I also wasn't the most grace-less!) and once you know how, it's actually pretty simple. The body of water that we were on lies between New Glasgow and Pictou and the day that we were there was smooth as glass and amazingly warm.
Don is taking some photos for Bob to use on his website for advertising so we are going to go back when he has his new shipments of boats in and on that day we'll take ours and then after the photo session is done, we will put them in the water and cruise the coastline there for a couple hours. It's really very pretty and I'm looking forward to it. Anyhow, enjoy the photos of the workshop.
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