I'm always touched by stories about people who love animals so much that they are willing to change their lives for them to some degree or another. Today I read about a lady who opened her home to senior and disabled and special needs kitties. While people who go to the shelters to adopt are hot for the cutest balls of fluffy kittenhood, the old girls and guys sit in their little steel cages, watching and waiting, as once again, they're passed by. Despite the fact that they have as much love to offer as the little guys, no one wants them. As I read the story of Rita in Tennessee saving the first cat that she named Special, I couldn't help but cry just a little bit. With so much that is so wrong in our world, this lady followed her heart and has been doing small acts of compassion ever since. How wonderful!
So I've included the link here in case you are interested in reading about her and her kitties as well as pictures of some of the residents of Purrever Ranch.
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