So a few weeks ago, I said that I was getting busy again with my art and that in short order I would have something to show for that busy-ness and while the project that I was working on turned out to be a complete wash-out, I finally have something else to show for my time spent. As you can see, my sculpture is not finished, a ways to go yet, but a good start. At this point, I'm not quite sure what direction it will take, she does need some clothes, but whether I will use fabric like some do or whether I will make clothing out of polymer I don't know. I'm kind of stalled but am also hoping that if I sit and stare at "her" long enough, something will pop into my head. The only other hurdle is that seeing what I'm doing is tough. I'm going to try a different lamp and maybe that will eliminate some of the glare. Oh age, how thou doest interfere and make mine life a tribulation!!! Oh well, it might just force me to loosen up in my style a bit. Just trying to be positive.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
New Art
So a few weeks ago, I said that I was getting busy again with my art and that in short order I would have something to show for that busy-ness and while the project that I was working on turned out to be a complete wash-out, I finally have something else to show for my time spent. As you can see, my sculpture is not finished, a ways to go yet, but a good start. At this point, I'm not quite sure what direction it will take, she does need some clothes, but whether I will use fabric like some do or whether I will make clothing out of polymer I don't know. I'm kind of stalled but am also hoping that if I sit and stare at "her" long enough, something will pop into my head. The only other hurdle is that seeing what I'm doing is tough. I'm going to try a different lamp and maybe that will eliminate some of the glare. Oh age, how thou doest interfere and make mine life a tribulation!!! Oh well, it might just force me to loosen up in my style a bit. Just trying to be positive.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
When the lion lays down with the lamb.....

As they wakened, they felt the warm air brushing against their bare skin, the tickle of grasses that made up their sheltering bed coaxing them to wakefulness. In the trees and underbrush around them, the sound of birds laying claim to their territories added a sense of music to the joyous beginnings of the new day. He stood and then reached for her hand, drawing her up to join him in the beginning of this first day of all the days to come. They were watched, without fear, by the other beings who lived in this beautiful place. At their feet a small furry rabbit pushed through those same grasses that had touched them as they stirred restlessly and on the edge of the small meadow wherein their soft grass bed was located, another being with grey-brown hair on its body and hard bone protruding from it's head stepped out from the shadows of the woods and into the sunshine. It's large brown eyes were peaceful and without fear as it walked up to them, reaching out to nuzzle their hands as it sought to taste the slight saltiness of their palms. They touched its soft fur, ran their hands over its horns, marvelling at the softness and the hardness of it. And the birds sang for them as they rejoiced, one and all, in the glory of this new world.
There is only one thing that can be counted on consistently and that is that everything changes. And so it was, that out of their own actions, the world changed and the first death came to that peaceful place and the other beings that once shared their joyfulness, became afraid and learned to hide. And the world became a place of misery and darkness, hunger and pain, sorrow and fear. The centuries pass, one by one, a day at a time. Each day filled with anguish as it's whole, but with tiny points of lightness to keep the flame of hope alive. Every point of light pointing to the next sign post, each one drawing the people along the hard road that had become their lot, with the hope and belief that one day, there will come that time of great renewal and the world will once again be filled with rejoicing. And in that day, death will become a memory, and the lion will lay down with the lamb and peace will again reign as the people and the creatures walk together again with no fear. And when the people remember the dark age that came before this new time of peace, they will ask themselves, if we knew what first was and looked forward to that coming again, and if we knew that it was our own actions that caused death to come into the world, why then did we spend all those generations indulging in and excusing and using, the evil that was the result of our own actions, all the while mourning for what was lost?
*Motive is everything. Objectives determine outcomes. Life proceeds out of your intention. Your true intention is revealed in your actions, and your actions are determined by your true intention. As with everything in life (and in life itself), it is a circle.*
So I ask you, what are the true objectives that are determining the current outcomes of suffering and torment that lays like a filthy rag across the surface of this planet? There is an ongoing weeping and crying out for "peace, peace, where is the love" but instead of the world finding these things, there is only continual sorrow for men, women, children and most creatures of this world. When the actions of man are considered with honesty, our true intentions are revealed and our objectives are laid bare in the light of day and going by what we see, there is no desire for a return to Paradise lost and the Kinship that went with it especially as the decision to match ones actions to ones desire for (a loving and safe and joyous world), might mean that we have to begin respecting the rights of everything to live without pain or torment, just as we would hope to live.
To live in this world, but to not be of it, is an objective. When we pray for Godliness in the hopes that we will be uplifted, and yet justify the pain and death that sin causes in this world, by pointing to tradition or habit, then how can we feel a true inner peace when we are practitioners of violence. That first death to cover nakedness was not permission to do more harm, but should have been taken as an example of what our selfishness and lack of thought had caused. Every sacrifice a picture of what those actions had wrought. Each of us must begin to live as though we individually do live in that world which first was, and as the numbers of gentle souls grows, so too will 'heaven' spread across the face of the globe. And by our examples, we will show the world the Creator as the source of love and life and one by one, more will be drawn to that joy.
*Taken from Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch*
animal rights,
Christian vegans,
the New Earth
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Chocolate Bananas
Frozen bananas! What a concept! They can be the basis for an ice cream substitute that has no equal. No saturated fat, no excessive added sugar and filled with vitamins and minerals. Loaded with potassium, vitamin B6, manganese, magnesium, vitamin C and fiber and complete with their own biodegradable packaging, how can you beat bananas? And when they are combined with an avocado which provides vitamins A,C,D,E,K, thiamine,riboflavin, niacin, B6 and folate as well as protein and fiber, you have an award winning mixture. Ice cream on the other hand provides you with an abundance of saturated fat, sodium, cholestrol, sugar, the difference is evident. I will grant you that ice cream also does provide you with some calcium and protein, but the fact is that the presence of the protein is going to limit how much of that calcium is actually absorbable by the human body. Weighed in the balance, I would say that the banana sorbet is actually a better choice if you are considering the health benefits.
Fortunately, you can also have taste as well and I'm happy to say that I've got my "chocolate ice cream" back! Wahoo. I've found that the important thing to remember is to pop the bananas into the freezer just at that optimum moment of ripeness, barely ripe but not overly, unless of course you are doing a fruit flavoured dessert and so don't mind the banana flavouring. But my heart belongs to chocolate so once I've frozen the bananas, I take them out of the freezer, remove the peels and pop the chunks into the food processor along with some peanut butter, cocoa, a wee bit of vanilla flavoring and a couple tablespoons of maple syrup and half an avocado. Whiz that up until it's all moving smoothly around the fod processor bowl. I did find that a bit of rice milk helps to move things along a bit in the event that the bananas are a bit bigger than usual. And when satisfied with the consistency, dish it up and enjoy. I think the idea of eating a vegan diet exclusively frightens most people. They think only of the tastes that they'll be giving up, not realizing that there are substitions for many of those as well as an amazing array of new tastes that they've never considered. So I've found a wonderful way to get my chocolate, without even a single pang of guilt, in fact to actually feel like I'm doing myself a favour.
Do give it a try and I'll include the ingredients list here for those who've got food processors. You could try making it in small amounts in a blender but I can't say for sure how well that would work because of the different dimensions.
3 frozen bananas, peeled and cut into smaller chunks
1/2 avocado
2 tablespoons peanut butter
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 teaspoons cocoa (or to taste)
1-2 tablespoons rice milk (as needed)
I hope that I haven't given you this recipe before because that would mean that I'm beginning to suffer from "repetitive story" syndrome! Will you tell me, or will you humor me and listen to the chocolate sorbet story one more time? Anyway my dears, enjoy being nice to your body....and I'll talk to you again.
frozen bananas,
frozen desert,
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