Personally, I've always found phrases like "we're pregnant" or "a new little person in the world" a little odd. Men are never pregnant, don't care how you look at it, they just aren't. As for "a new little person in the world", well really, that little person was in the process of getting big enough to survive without the enfolding of their mom, who happens to be in the world, so really, they were in the world in some form from conception on. But the difference is that now we get to see them, hear them and snuggle them even if we aren't mom. This preamble is just leading up to introducing a newly visible little person to the rest of the world.
Her name is Elsa Jane Naumann and she was born on November 28th, 2010 at 7:14am and she weighed in at 9 pounds, 2 ounces. As you can see by the photos, she is very cute and has lovely auburn hair and sweet little fat cheeks. What a darling and bonus!!! she has all her fingers and toes and a great appetite. So let's all send a big congratulatory hug to Kim and Oliver and Liam! Wahooo!
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