We love our new home!!!! We love the house, we love the area, we love the weather, we love the lack of bugs, we love the birds.....we love our new home! Yessiree, this last move was a good one. The only downside is that instead of it taking only two plus hours to get to Kim and Olivers, it is now about five hours if you take the ferry over to PEI. That makes me sad, because it would be so great to see the kids (big and little) more often. But it is what it is and thank goodness for cheaper long distance rates, especially when Liam eventually is more willing to talk on the phone and of course, Elsa in her time.
But as for our new home, I thought that I would put some pictures up here, so that you could see them. Now keep in mind, these pictures were taken about two months ago, just after we moved in. I would have posted them sooner but I couldn't find the little wire for connecting my camera to the computer and so any pictures I took were 'stuck' if you know what I mean. But I finally accepted that I might never find the wire (which I really should have tucked away in an obvious spot for the move) and I bought a new one and so here we are with those photos. I should maybe have taken some new pictures, but my house is a bit messy because I've been spending more time outside trying to get things squared away with fences and so on, so for now these will have to do. And maybe next time I put indoor pictures up, the curtains will be hung by then. I'll also get some outdoor pictures for next time, but today the weather is grey and overcast and not good for pictures. Anyway, here we go.....
1 comment:
Your house looks so lovely! You guys have done such a great job on it. I can't wait to see it in person!!!
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