We left Kamloops around 10:00 on Tuesday morning. It was already warming up and we were sure it was going to be really warm. I called Aunt Sarah as we were driving and asked if we could spend a couple nights, and of course, she said sure. She’s so nice to take in wayward travelers don’t you think? So because it was a nine hour drive to their place, we only stopped a few times so Lucy and Diesel could have bathroom breaks.
We did take some pictures as we were going through the mountains. This big bridge was being built outside of Golden. Don held his camera out the car window as we were driving under it and clicked madly away, just hoping he was aiming in the right direction. Not bad for “stunt photography” eh?
We arrived at about 8:30 (Alberta time). Spent some time visiting and looking at pictures on Don’s computer, and then bed. Little bit of lightening, but far away. So goodnight, and more tomorrow.
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