The movers are late! Are we surprised? Nah, just exasperated. But what the heck, we're retired! So it's not like we have to be somewhere in the next half hour right? We expected them at nine, but they only got here at 2:00. Bit of a late start, but the minute they pulled that huge truck in across the whole sidewalk, they got to work and man are they good. Packing artists! I'll bet you couldn't slip a piece of tissue paper between the items.
Then Don drove his motorcycle up to the locker with them so that they could start on that while I finished cleaning up the apartment. Just as I was gathering up my stuff there to leave, he called me and what do you think he said? "Deb, I forgot the keys to the locker." So that was my cue to speed up my departure and that is another story but I won't go into that here.
Because it was such a goof up and the day was getting so late, Don started helping them carry stuff. Imagine, helping the movers! Isn't that why you get movers, so that you don't have to do that? But we couldn't leave until they were ready to, so what can you do? Anyway, it was 8:30 when we finally left there and we still had a 3 hour drive to Kamloops where we had a motel room waiting. Only 7 1/2 hours behind our original schedule. Having woken up at 5:30, by that time we were so tired that it was hard to imagine a drive yet too. But we made it safe and sound and bed looked so good.
Enough for now, more to come.....
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