No gardening today my dears! It has been gently snowing all day, covering everything and making it all pretty. So we spent the day at home, catching up on a few things that have been left for far too long. We glued the last brick to the family room wall and tomorrow we'll grout them in. It looks so nice, just like we imagined it would. And I took up the hem on the drapes in Don's office and I did it on my new sewing machine. Yes, after thirty or so years, my old machine packed it in. Probably partly because I never once oiled it, except for the time I took it to a service guy. It must have been pretty bad, because I remember him asking me if I ever oiled it. You all know how mechanically and electrically inclined I am, and no one ever told me that you have to oil sewing machines! So I didn't. So that gives you an idea how well things were built "in the old days". Even total neglect couldn't stop it for many years. I'm so sorry little sewing machine.
So anyway, at Christmas Don bought me a Singer Simple, and all I can say is you would have to be "simple" to keep that dreadful machine. I spent one afternoon fighting with it (just out of the box) and then put it back in the box. Now I have a Kenmore and so far it seems wonderful. The best thing about it is that it has an automatic threader so now I can put away the magnifying glass and the 1000 watt spotlight that was becoming necessary in order to thread the needle. That was almost enough to put me off sewing all together.
I don't know what we will do tomorrow, maybe go into Amherst and do some grocery shopping and wash the bedroom walls of the Stanley Street house. I heard that the new windows were delivered yesterday. And maybe not. The beauty of retirement is that if we want to we can and if we don't want to, we don't have to.
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