Yesterday was a stay-at-home kind of day, but we didn't. Don had to go and let a furnace installer in at the duplex so I went with him and he dropped me off at the Stanley Street house to work on the bedrooms, etc. The highway was slow going because of a bit of an ice storm that had blown in overnight, but when you've got the tenant agreeable to time and an installer scheduled, you have little choice. So we just left early, drove slow and got there safely. We're learning to deal with the weather one day at a time. The trees along the highway were heavily laden with ice from the storm, and bowed down low with the weight of it. It was beautiful. Some of the trees that were bent over from the weight of the ice were six inches thick but they did not break, but there were a few that had snapped in half.
As far as the Stanley Street house is concerned, the new windows make a huge difference. Not only do they not have 25 years of dirt encrusting them now, but with white vinyl frames instead of the old rotting, blackened frames they let so much more light in. It's sort of like putting a string of pearls on a bag lady who hasn't showered for a very long time. But we're slowly getting the bag lady cleaned up and hopefully she'll be ready to present to society. As it is, I washed the walls of the one bedroom yesterday as well as the upstairs hall and down the stairs. Sad to say, it was hard to tell that I'd done anything even though I changed the water in the bucket at least three times. I think the walls are just stained from years of greasy dirt sitting on them. I can hardly wait to get the fresh paint on the walls. Even though it isn't nearly done, you can see the potential that this little house has. We won't be embarrassed to show it to anyone and I think it will make a nice little home for someone and their family.
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