Last week, a terrible thing happened and if you are a follower of Kims blog you will have already heard but for those that aren't, a quick lowdown. Kim and Oliver had two little dogs, one named Boo and the other called Griffen. To make a long story short, little Griffen, who by the way was the dearest little fellow, was killed. We've all been devastated by his passing (our family is very, very, very attached to our little mutts, thinking of them as family, not pets). Anyway, Don thought that a new puppy might help ease Kim and Olivers grief, so he was looking on Craigslist and found several that he subsequently called about. And as you might know from Kims blog, she found a little merle puppy, four weeks old, that she decided to buy. Even though he is with his mom still, he now has a name and it is Mr. Bingley.
In the meantime, a lady who Don talked to during the search, finally sent Don a photo of her little guy, and to make a long story short (again), we now have a new little charmer too. We haven't decided on a name yet, we have a harder time with names than Kim does, but so far the choices are Patches, Digbey, Bingo, Smudge, Little-bugger-peed-on-the-rug-again, and my least favorite, Bytore. He is very different from Diese,l who was born old. Diesel never, even as a puppy, knew how to play. He is very serious and awkward and fearful of getting hurt if he attempts to climb over anything and I could never get him to chew on acceptable toys which is supposed to be good for their teeth.. This little fellow on the other hand, is fearless, and likes to play whenever he isn't sleeping, and chews on whatever fits into his mouth and some things that don't.
Sitting here discussing names, we got to talking about Diesel and came to realize what a good little dog he is. He has never chewed on anything and destroyed it, he is very quiet, put him on the couch and he's stuck there, you can keep him from escaping by simply putting a six inch board across the doorway. But now I think we will have to exchange the 6" board for a 6' fence , possibly with rolls of barbed wire on the top. Yes indeed, things will be different around here.
Holly, I didn't want to tell you because I know how much you want a dog but your life is in such a place right now that it just wouldn't work. I knew how sad you would be sweetie and I feel bad for you, but your time will come, it will.
Anyway,here are a couple pictures of this new member of our family.