I had to go out late, after we'd watched a movie in the evening, to get the horses off the side pasture, and right after I'd done that, I came in to try and coax everyone outside into the dark. This is the time of year that the fireflies dance. It was magnificent, little sparks of light all over the hillside and in the trees. We stood there in the dark pasture just absorbing the magic. Fortunately, the mosquitos were either over at the neighbors or we didn't appeal for the evening, because our reverie wasn't cut short by the attack of the little torturers. Such a delight in so many ways. I wish we could share it with you.
And earlier, much earlier, while Don was having his morning coffee out on the porch, I happened to look over his shoulder as I came out to tell him something, and saw a great big bull moose, standing there on the hillside as he watched the horses. He was very curious about everything and just strode across the hillside and back again. No hurry, no worry, just stop and look, few more steps, stop again. So cool! Then just as casually, he disappeared into the woods. I remember reading a little piece in a small paper a few months back and a local person had said that although she'd been born here, she'd never seen a live moose. Here we are, barely a year and one strolls across our back yard. A couple weeks ago, we also watched a mother deer take her little baby for a walk across the back hill. Our hillside is our theatre it seems. So here is a picture of Mr. Moose for your viewint pleasure.
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