Yes I know---it has been a long time since I wrote anything here, but honestly, the summer has arrived and it seems like I've been waiting since forever to be able to be outside in the sunshine! I need my garden time, or Debby becomes a dull (and cranky) girl. So sorry, just can't help it. Mind you, we are still working on the Stanley Street house for Kim and Oliver so that has kept me hopping too. But it is coming along and before you know it, I'll be putting some before and after pictures on just to impress you with the hard work we've been doing. Just think, in the course of one year, we will have upgraded and renovated three, count 'em, three houses! I am looking forward to retirement.
I have so many projects that I want to accomplish and I feel like I am in a race against the clock (or should I say calendar). Don and I have started a garden area, but that won't get planted until next year. But at least the sod has been removed. We need to get a rototiller as the next step is breaking up the hard packed ground before we add back a some topsoil. We also would like to get a start on a new roadway up into our woods and extend the walking trail. The original roadway was also a natural low spot on the hillside, so in the spring, it becomes a trickley little stream and as a result is not an easy or comfortable stroll. And I want to put some fence posts in so that I can leave the horses in the field when we go to town. I just don't feel comfortable leaving them inside a temporary hot wire when we go away from the property. I have visions of lawsuits dancing in my head I guess (should they decide, for some unfathomable reason, to walk through the wire and go for a stroll up the road). And of course, there is always the yardwork that I love to do....just not enough time, that's all I can say.
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