Pancakes (which I despise by the way), absolutely demand maple syrup. Am I right or am I right? Waffles also demand syrup. But did you know that stir fry is also very good with maple syrup, as is fennel slaw and salad dressing. It is a most convenient flavoring. When I make the stir fry for example, I will mix the syrup with some soy sauce, a little olive oil and occasionally with a bit of mustard and I like to also saute some finally chopped ginger root with the vegetables.. If you shake this mixture up in a little bottle just before you are going to serve your stir fry, and mix it thoroughly to warm it, it tastes just lovely.
And when you use it to flavor salad dressings, you omit the soya sauce and instead use a raspberry vinegar or for a slaw you would use lemon juice.
And while I am thinking of it, did you also know that a table spoon of finally shredded coconut added to your egg mixture can make your french toast taste marvelous, particularly when you top it with- - - you guessed it, Maple Syrup!
And one more hint that I just have to mention for all of you who are reading this because it is too good a secret to not share. I think that everyone has had a pair of shoes that drive you crazy with the squeaking. Do you remember the feeling that everyone was watching you as you squeaked your way through the store and how disgruntled you felt when you thought about the money that you had spent on those new shoes that you probably wouldn't wear again. Well here it is, the cure for squeaky shoes. Take a dryer sheet (the kind that you soften your clothes with) and rub it all over the sole of the offending shoes. It worked for a pair of runners that I had just bought that were so bad that they made noises even on carpet.
So there you are, the wisdom of the ages. I love sharing the things that are happening and the things that I have the privilege of learning as we go through life, with all of you. Even more important than maple syrup and dryer sheets, I am learning to not only appreciate the wonder of life, but also to look always for the good. Sometimes I still blow it and dwell on the sad facts, but hopefully as time passes, that will happen less and less.
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