We've gotten a lot done since July 31st and I have to keep reminding myself of that periodically. It's probably good too that I used to watch that tv show called Real Reno's and saw the homeowners repeatedly lamenting on how long it was taking to finish their job, and then to see the end of the show where they were beaming and thrilled with the changes. I'm only bringing this up because as I am sitting here, I can hear the horses stomping around on the wooden floor in the barn and over in the corner behind me (yes, in the family room), I can hear the periodic drip of water kerplunking into the slowly filling saucepan. If we could just get a single room DONE, I would feel so good but.....
Hurricane Noel is responsible for Ambra and Sierra being stuck in the barn until the shelter is re-finished. Right now and overnight, the weather has been miserable. Last night, the wind howled and then brought snow and today it is raining bigtime, and they've been in the barn since 5:00 yesterday. So they need to get out. Later, when I go out to clean stalls, I'll put them out in the riding ring. Then they'll thank me when I come to put them back in the barn. As far as the shelter is concerned, we got the walls back up and poles set in the ground. Now I have to take the roof apart so that we can rebuild it. But we ran out of light and then the weather was bad the next day so....the horses are stuck in the barn!
As for the drip, the previous owners had a leak a few years ago, got the roof re-done, and I am thinking that the hurricane somehow affected the the flashings or ? Anyway, I went up in the attic and found the spot where the water is getting in, but it will be at least a few days I would think before we'll be able to get someone here to remedy the problem. At least we know where the water is coming in right. Unfortunately, we have bulges in several places where the drip has come through behind the paint so now we will be fixing walls and paint jobs and then replacing the insulation that we had blown into the attic. As I said, one step forward....
On a brighter note, the photo is one that Don took of Sierra a couple years ago. Isn't she gorgeous!!!! I love this photo because he caught her spirit completely.
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