People go through life with a dream in their leave the rat-race, to slow down, sit on the porch in the sunshine, or watching their fishing rod on some sunny river bank, or a million other utopia's in mind. I remember way back when we had those kind of fantasies. So far, the only part that has come true is that we no longer live in downtown Langley and I don't have to drive to where my horses are. But the slowing down part or the riverbank on a sunny day, well, hasn't happened yet. But we're not complaining. In fact, every morning I get up and I literally marvel at having had another sound nights sleep where I haven't wound up watching tv in the wee hours of the morning because one more time, I was awake at 3:00 AM. I used to do that at least five nights a week for several years. Don would go to bed with me and wake up by himself. But here I sleep, all the way through from 11:00 to 7:00. Don sleeps as well too. I think that we had begun to accept the fact that for the rest of our lives, until we die, we would never again feel rested. So this is literally quite an amazing change to us.
And what could possibly be keeping us so busy you might be wondering. Well, let me think....hmmm, maybe it is all the changes that we decided to do on our house, most of which are not done yet (except David did just finish the siding yesterday), or maybe it is the landscaping that we started when I went crazy just after moving here and finding that the nursery had a 50% off sale on all their plant stock (I was like a kid in a candy store that day!), or maybe it is the old run-down house that we bought that needs a complete overhaul, or maybeeeee, it is the duplex that we bought that had one tenant move out the day before the deal closed and so we figured we might do a bunch of things to it while it was empty. And not to forget the horse shelter that not only did I have to build once, but yahoo, as if I am not busy enough, I had to build again because the remains of the hurricane decided to bless us with a "Welcome to Nova Scotia" blast and re-position it On Its Roof! So yes, we are busy, but we're happy and we're enjoying ourselves even though some parts of the dream are a little different than we had initially envisioned, but in our old age we are learning to be flexible - well maybe not physically, cause there are definitely moments when we feel anything but flexible which is why Ibuprofen is becoming more like a food group lately, but at least mentally.
Personally, I think that it's all good. I spent a year and a half in an apartment, and I felt myself age there. The years laid themselves upon me, and without this move, next stop could only be a box in a hole and the time til then would only be one tedious day after another. But yesterday, as I sat there on the roof of the horse shelter, and I took a moment between roofing screws, I looked around me and one more time I marvelled at the peace and quiet and the loveliness of the dark blue sky and the setting sun as it lit up the white trunks of the birch's in the forest around us and the red fields of blueberries off towards
the east and I was overcome with the sense of contentment that we have settled into here. Yes indeed, it is definitely all good!
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