We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form.
William Ralph Inge (1860-1954)

Monday, October 27, 2008

What We Did On Our Holidays....

We've had a good day, lots to do and lots done. It was good. It was very warm although the sky was overcast and drizzly. So I spent some time cleaning up the workbench in the barn, trying a couple of new recipes from the super, terrific Vegan cookbook that Holly suggested when she was here, and I made another jacket for Max, our other little dog. I don't think I've introduced him have I? Well, I'll have to take a picture of him and do that in the next couple days.

So Holly and Sean were here for two weeks and it was fantastic having them here. We cooked together, rode horses together and just happily hung out. We went up to Cape Breton for three or four days, staying in Sydney for the nights. We went to the fort at Louisebourg and that is amazing. It was an active, thriving French fort in the 17th century with about 10,000 people who lived and worked there, at its height. As it was well past tourist season, when we were there, the dramatic enactments of life there were pretty much over, but we still enjoyed strolling around and imagining what life might have been like there four hundred years ago. Then we spent a day driving the Cabot Trail and that is where some of the pictures that you will see in the link that I will include here, come from. The wild rocky coastline is gorgeous and a counterpoint to the glowing gold and red of the maples and birches that blanket the hillsides.

Another day was spent on PEI and Holly lost her heart to that little island province. It's pastoral beauty was too much for her! That day was also lovely with blue skies and no wind to cool the air. We had lunch in Charlottetown before heading home across the Confederation Bridge. The bridge is far more interesting to look at from a distance. But the sides are closed in so that you can't see anything unless of course, you are in a truck and sit higher than our car.

By the way, those pictures of the red hills, rimmed with colorful maples were the blueberry fields up behind our house. Holly and I rode up there and the color was spectacular! The last couple days of their visit, were spent just chillin' at home, riding the hills. No urgency to go here or there, just time spent together. It was so nice and came to an end far to soon. If you want to see some pictures that Don took, here is a link that you can click on. A picture is worth a thousand words and words will never be as beautiful as the pictures, so take a minute and a tour of Nova Scotia....


Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Summer is gone....

The days have flown by since we first arrived, summer into fall into winter into spring into summer and now the autumn again. And through it all I have felt immersed in a whirlwind of activity with deadlines around every corner. But the light shines at the end of the tunnel for us now and we plan on being finished with the garage by the end of the week and then there is little do save the usual year end things. Raking leaves, raking leaves, and then there is raking leaves. The garden patch which we had started in the summer was left to languish and the weeds started in again and I hope to finish turning that over and pull them out yet before the snow flies but we shall see. The fall has been beautiful, clear blue skies, little rain, warm days and with the inevitable cold that lies ahead, I am reluctant to spend these precious hours inside at some sewing that I have waiting, so outside I go, just one more day.

Holly and Sean were here for two weeks that seemed far too short, and now they are gone once again. We had such a good time and in my next post I will post some pictures and talk more about our visit. Just to let them know, we miss their faces and the pitty pat of their little feet.

My marigolds froze last night, the miniature roses still look lovely (they like the coolness I suppose) and the leaves are almost off the trees and it is getting cold enough outside at night that the dogs are quick to do their business and come back in to the warmth of the wood stove. But now I will leave you. My bread must be popped in the oven and the pot of soup stirred so that the hungry pit upstairs can be fed some supper. Til next time my loves....